How Sea Moss Can Help Women At Different Life Stages

As someone who is in her prime, and as a woman who has many years of experience with sea moss, as part of her diet, I believe that at this point I can be quantified as an expert in its abilities. I have created short videos on how sea moss aids men, women adolescents and seniors at different life stages – advocating that its regular use does wonders for overall health and vitality. For this post I will focus on how an addition of sea moss into your diet can provide results that helps your body be well, consistently. This ocean algae loves the female anatomy. I tell others all the time, once sea moss gets in your body, it scans it, then gets to work on what you need to make you better. It becomes personal to you – as you decide to make it a part of your diet.

Because of its nutrient density, it can help with so many ailments as we grow in age and experience. Here are some ways it can be effective in keeping your body well over extended periods of time.

As an anticoagulant, which means it breaks up blood clots, – periods and varicose veins can gain tremendous relief from its regular ingestion. And I write with experience of both. For one my periods I noticed were so smooth, that I hardly felt it. It would arrive and then when I saw it, I would say, “oh, there you are!”. Then as I gained customers, I had one say that her varicose veins lightened after a while.

According to Wikipedia – in simplest terms – estrogen is a female hormone that regulates many aspects of the body, from sexual development to bone health. There are many areas affected when estrogen levels lower as we get older, which is why our foods play such a vital role in our longevity. Sea Moss is food that can help keep estrogen levels up an go so far as to help us women for sexual enjoyment with vaginal lubrication, regular periods, urinary tract infections, hot flashes and stress.

I am in my forties, nearing my fifties. I think about bone loss and density. The consequences of osteoporosis and even arthritis that make us susceptible to accidents that affect our bones and joints. Minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper and selenium contained in sea moss contribute greatly to bone and joint health and can aid in repair when ailments occur.

Sea Moss can help clear our lungs of mucus. Weather changes and other variables can cause mucus build-up. Zinc and magnesium forces phlegm on the lungs to break up. In turn it causes us to spit it out. A great lung cleanse. I can attest to that. I spit up phlegm often.

Collagen in sea moss goes a long way in keeping our skin glowing and supple. That means, us looking younger, longer. Natural botox. And who wouldn’t want that.

Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. These vitamins and minerals help in that maintenance and proper function of the thyroid: Vitamin A and D, iron, selenium and iodine.

In summary, sea moss is a food that is easy to add to whatever you consume. Its abilities are vast and works on what you need to make you better, longer. So I say, eat your minerals, daily, for vigor, vitality, for yourself, for family, and for life that’s well.

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